How To: style a WFH desk

After the last few years and multiple lockdowns, we progressively have grown accustomed to working from home (WFH). Finding a quiet and composed space within our interior to focus on work is not always straight forward but there is potential to contain a dedicated desk area. What was once considered a luxury in the home, the WFH desk is now a part of normal living, and it is crucial we style this area with attentiveness and productivity in mind. 

Here I list 6 ways on how to style your WFH desk:


If space and square footage is a limitation, there are astute ways to incorporate a desk in vacant areas such as hallways, under the stairs or even an awkward corner. An alcove that might normally be utilised for wall shelving, can have a custom-built desk attached to it to form a dedicated work zone. 


Hideaways such as pocket door recesses that open to reveal a WFH desk are a fantastic way to ensure you disconnect yourself from your job at the end of the day. Simply close the doors and start your evening in the comfort of the rest of your home. Having this separation is an ingenious feature in achieving work life balance, something that has become beyond imperative to us these last few years.


Standing desks are known to have health benefits such as reducing back pain, lowering your risk of weight gain, and improving moods and energy levels. You can even custom build your desk, experimenting with the shape, widening it in places where you might stand more often or near windows for plenty of natural daylight, another positive component to healthy working conditions. 

Top Tip: Include a standing desk to an unused wall, it will feel like an extension of the furniture appearing simply as a bookshelf.


Space saving ideas such as an integrated fold down desk is an effortless addition to your home. A modest yet efficient WFH desk that does not dominate, is conductive to work and flexible yet can likewise be stylish and personalised to your individual working needs. 


Using colour blocking paint techniques guarantee your WFH desk is detached from the rest of your home. Be bold and confident, opting for bright vibrant colours that encourage efficiency and stimulation, such as yellows, oranges, and reds. 


Keeping your desk neat and tidy is essential as you do not want to introduce chaos and disorder that may leave you feeling stressed or anxious. It is already challenging enough to have our work within our home, make sure you tidy papers and letters in storage boxes or folders, invest in an attractive pen pot or vase to keep your desk orderly and even slot your computer or laptop away when not in use. 

Top Tip: Hide and neaten tech cables away, there are lots of great solutions for this type of organisation online that will not break the bank. 

One response to “How To: style a WFH desk”

  1. […] Interview: Patricia Rodi How To: style a WFH desk […]


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Obsessed with design and decor, I believe your home should be a space you adore and where you feel most like yourself. This is a place to share all my ideas, projects and interior inspirations.